L Todd Wood interviews Patrick Byrne, graduate of Dartmouth, Cambridge, and Stanford (MA in mathematical logic/PhD in philosophy), American entrepreneur, and former CEO of Overstock.com . Byrne is working with Sidney Powell and Gen. Michael Flynn to expose the major fraud that took place in the 2020 election. In reference to the ongoing investigation of the voter fraud that took place in Maricopa County, AZ, Byrne states, "We are not surrendering. I think you'll see, over the next 30 days, some fireworks." At one point, L Todd Wood comments, "Probably, the election is not going to be overturned." To this, Byrne responds by saying that if Nancy Pelosi can talk about overturning Republican seats, "Maybe we can overturn a seat or two." Byrne goes on to mention how there is major evidence of half-a-million bogus votes and ballots having been shredded in AZ (state and federal destruction-of-evidence violations) that will come to the public's attention....