Supreme Court Justice Alito Makes BOMBSHELL Move Paving Way To TOSS Biden's Electoral Votes In PA (Tim Pool)

Supreme Court Justice Alito Makes BOMBSHELL Move Paving Way To TOSS Biden's Electoral Votes In PA. Alito amended his request for response from PA state lawyers by one day pushing the deadline back before the safe harbor deadline.

This means that Joe Biden's electors could be disputed on December 8th and into the 9th by way of SCOTUS challenge and a lawsuit.

Democrats had argued that the previous deadline meant that the lawsuit challenging mail in voting in Pennsylvania was moot.

Now if may be exactly what Republicans and Trump need to reject the electoral college votes from PA.

Republicans are counting on Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Chief Justice Roberts to give Trump a major win changing the game entirely

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, December 8, 2020.]

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