Dominion Software Allows Manual Vote Entry; Georgia Poll Watcher Finds Room for Fraud During Recount (NTD)

00:00 Georgia Poll Watcher Finds Room for Fraud During Recount

In Georgia, the secretary of state certified its 1st recount. But some say the procedures taken by state and county officials are raising red flags.

03:33 Georgia Counter: First Recount 'Hard to Watch'
We spoke with an insider who said the state's 1st recount was "hard to watch.”

06:31 Dominion Software Allows Manual Vote Entry
In a resurfaced video, Dominion Voting Systems Director demonstrates how operators can manually enter votes into their machines. And explains this is a feature of Dominions software. Attorney Sidney Powell recently mentioned this feature when discussing allegations of voter fraud against Dominion.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, December 8, 2020.]

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