Every democrat citizen who ignores the fraud because they hate Trump or cause they think winning by fraud is cute since their candidate "won," has condemned America to violence and eventual ruin.
Non-Partisan International Organization Dedicated To Exposing Election Fraud, Past, Present, And Future, By The Left And Right. Without Election Integrity And Free Speech For That End, Nothing Else Political Matters! Send corrections, tips, evidence, submissions, or requests to be a team member to: integrityelection@journalist.com
If this fraud is allowed to stand, we will never have an honest, or relatively honest election again. I'm sure elections were rigged before. The difference this time it is so out in the open that it can't be denied. To allow it to stand now means we have lost the peaceful democratic option to change governments. Every democrat citizen who ignores the fraud because they hate Trump or cause they think winning by fraud is cute since their candidate "won," has condemned America to violence and eventual ruin. A man can hate a foreign enemy, but a treasonous friend earns a more callous level of revenge.
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